Originally from Nigeria, John first studied zoology, before making the switch to medicine. He later settled in Wales, found a vibrant community that he now calls home and currently works in a GP surgery in Llandovery, Carmarthenshire - before he begins his final year of rotation.
Dr John says:
"Although I first wanted to study medicine straight after leaving secondary school, it was very tough to get onto a medical course. So, I was told that if I did well in zoology in my first year, then I could switch to medicine later on. Sadly, this agreement was not honoured, so I decided to finish my zoology degree as it allowed me much easier access to study medicine afterwards through direct entry.
"After spending a few years as a medical officer, which is what we call “a doctor without a speciality” in Nigeria, I decided to specialise in general practice, as I really like the dynamics and variety in that position. I spent 6 months training in this position in Nigeria before relocating to the UK , but they have a minimum of five years training, which is quite different to the UK.
"When I first arrived in the UK, I came to Cambridge and worked in private hospitals in England. However, when I started to develop my understanding and knowledge of Wales, I realised that the cost of living is much better than other parts of the UK, with amazing countryside, mountains and beautiful scenery. I also have an uncle who is a doctor in the UK, and he advised me that Wales would be a great choice. Wales reminds me of where I lived in Nigeria in many ways, as the social environments are kind of similar in a sense that they are both quiet and rural, which really appeals to me as a family man, as it was a lifestyle that I was used to and desired.
"I have recently completed rotations in Glangwili Hospital in paediatrics and have also undertaken a GP rotation in Ammanford. I currently work in a GP surgery in Llandovery and have been here for around five months now, before I move to another surgery, where I will spend my final year.
"I am really happy and settled in the area I am in right now, as I have built a life here and have found an amazing church, which is something that is incredibly important to me.
"I have really enjoyed my training in Wales, as it has given me the confidence to walk into any professional setting and feel like I belong. It took a little while for me to adapt to the different styles of medical settings; as in Nigeria, it is all about being a senior doctor, and if you are not senior then sometimes you can be made to feel like you don’t know anything. But here in Wales, senior doctors encourage you to speak up, hold the door open for you and help you build your knowledge and confidence personally.
"In terms of hobbies, I love to play games together with my family at home, practice my art, as well as play the drums and piano in church. We also love going out to the amazing local restaurants and museums.
"I would really recommend coming to Wales to work and live if you are anything like me and enjoy a peaceful life, filled with nature and a welcoming community. I found the GP scheme itself very supportive and flexible and would highly recommend it to anyone in the same kind of position I was in.
"Looking towards the future, once I have finished my GP training, I hope to become a trainer myself and help guide the next generation. In my personal life, I hope to have a big and happy family and continue to live and work in Wales."
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